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 Not angry, Just food for thought?

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Not angry, Just food for thought? Empty
PostSubject: Not angry, Just food for thought?   Not angry, Just food for thought? I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 5:35 pm

This is a complaint more than me being angry.
Uhm, if you don't have anything productive or useful to say, please don't say it.
Also, if all I see is an angry post that doesn't have anything useful, I'll ignore it. ^^
I'd like to keep this topic clean for discussion or debate purposes.
Also, if you're GM/Forum Mod, don't ban me for saying my opinions. I'm just giving my thoughts on the server as a newcomer.
If anything you should just take it as some advice to make the server better.

Right, to move onto the topic at hand.
So, I know that I don't have much of a right to say this (only because I've been a part of this server for 10minutes?), but the moment I arrived, there was much fighting. Yes, of course I understand that there will be little bouts between players and GM's. But this one went on for quite a while. Also, I saw more GM's on than players (at least it seemed like that to me). No offense, but it seems to me like the GM's don't really have any control over what's going on in the actual server. The reason I'm complaining about the GM's is because I've been a GM before. I've had experiences with GM's like this, and a server like this. The end result is never one to be proud about. So, I feel that there should be some changes. If not with the GM's, then at least with the GM's attitudes. If you'd like an example if what I'm talking about, please feel free to ask. Within the first 3minutes of being a part of the server, I encountered a fairly rude GM. (No ign's/names will be said, but they know who they are) Granted, this GM probably doesn't feel that he/she was rude, because I did blurt out something that my have seeme rude. He/she took offense to this, and said some other things before leaving. Which, in my mind, was unnecessary.

As I see it right now, the hackers won't even need to hack the server for the server to fall apart. The GM's would be the only one's to destroy the server right about now. So, my suggestion is to get the GM's to shape-up or do something to keep them undercontrol. This is, of course, all my opinion and what I've seen so far with only 10minutes experience. As I keep playing this server, I hope to get a better understanding of the server itself (how it works and the such), and also to meet some GM's and Admin's. Unfortunately, if you don't like this thread, then you might hate me from the start, but don't worry, I'm a pretty decent person. But honestly, to put into perspective how surprising it was for me to see that many GM's online at the same time and also treat several players rudely was a first. And mind you, I've played plenty of private servers, each with their own variety of GM's. But never have any of GM's been this wild and stayed in their GM position. So take note. Either get serious about it and fix this problem. Or there will be more to deal with later on. It's fair-warning, and a pre-caution to any future GM's that might be chosen.

Right.. so there's my rant.
Please post your opinions and the such.
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Not angry, Just food for thought? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not angry, Just food for thought?   Not angry, Just food for thought? I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 10:10 am

Exactly i agree 100% some Gm's need to have more experience with the job from my seeing the have no self control or the server will fail if these gms learn how to deal with matters personally and not over the whole server and im not saying all GM'S do this but the people that do know who they are.
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Not angry, Just food for thought? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not angry, Just food for thought?   Not angry, Just food for thought? I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2009 7:40 pm

I completely agree with Cookie ever since ive been on this server ive listened to the gms bicker over pointless arguments and i have grown more and more upset about this situation because when ppl "politely" tell the gms to stop acting like children they go on and on about how you shouldn't get involved becuase you dont know whats going on and blah blah blah.... im not trying to be a d ick...i just wanted to agree with cookies viciously correct rant.
also im assuming this server is officially dead amirite???
last time i heard b4 i was accidentally banned (for trying to stop an argument) was that ppl were talking about shutting down the server...ohwell
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Not angry, Just food for thought? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Not angry, Just food for thought?   Not angry, Just food for thought? I_icon_minitime

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